Patent And Intellectual Property Law Firm
We focus on consistently providing you with a high-quality work product. Establishing meaningful and rewarding personal relationships through clear and regular communication; and earning and maintaining your trust and confidence is our key objective.

Featured Practice Areas
Below are the main focus practice areas
our attorneys specialize in.
Patent protections help to ensure that your new idea or invention is wholly owned by you, including the process it involves, the idea itself, and any related techniques, methods, or uses of it.
Copyright protections ensure that your unique creative works are protected from intellectual property theft and that you retain complete ownership of your idea and related works.
Trademark attorney services help your business protect the unique imagery and branding identity you create to market your product or services.
Software Licensing
We understand that developing software is a deeply complex process. Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help protect your software and ensure minimal liabilities.
Starting a franchising program for your own business requires sound planning and legal considerations. Our team can help any franchise to establish a protocol that fits your needs.
Due Diligence
Due diligence consists of taking a deep dive into a topic in order to get a grasp of its present situation, its future prospects, and the unique aspects of your operation.
We are a team of dedicated and experienced legal professionals who tirelessly serve to develop, perfect and protect your intellectual property rights. All of our members have extensive backgrounds in patent and intellectual property law with technical specialties in areas such as electronics, mechanics, biotechnology and more.
We place a high value on team work and demand a high level of performance from ourselves and each other. We have a commitment to quality that involves various levels of team review. The resulting quality and clarity of our work product translates to better communication of our client’s position to our associates, our Patent Office partners, and our clients.
Learn more about our firm