Mr. Shinji Koike is a U.S. Patent Agent and joined METROLEX IP LAW GROUP in October of 2010. Mr. Koike has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, studied solid-state physics and super conductivity. After graduation, Mr. Koike worked with a large Japanese patent law firm for about 9 years. Since 1999, Mr. Koike has drafted more than five hundred Japanese patent applications.
Mr. Koike has significant experience in patent prosecution matters in Japan and in the United States totaling nearly 20 years. His experience spans a wide range of technologies, primarily in the mechanical arts including an automotive components including electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, transmissions, automotive bodies, air bags, and more.
He also has experience with medical devices, optical devices, air conditioning systems, compressors, radiators, engines, valve systems, lighting devices, Lithium ion batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, printers, scanners, electronic components such as motors, switches, sensors, light-emitting elements, connectors, and semiconductor structures, and more. He has also handled many cases in the electromechanical field and the electric field such image processing and other processing.
Mr. Koike’s practice limited to matters before the U.S.P.T.O.